calming tablets
stress tablets
stress relief tablets
calm vitamins
anxiety tablets
sleeping tablets


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Saffronia® Tablets 是一種天然補品,旨在幫助維持和改善您的整體健康狀況。它有助於幫助控制情緒波動,並有助於緩解神經緊張、壓力和輕度焦慮。

澳大利亞 L 292392




Crocus Sativus(藏紅花)提取物 15mg,當量。 Crocus Sativus Stigma Dry 45 毫克


Don't let stress take control of your life, Embrace the benefits of our stress tablets!

  • Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress
  • Support healthy emotional/mood balance
  • Decrease/reduce/relieve mood changes/mood swings associated with pre-menstrual tension
  • Decrease/reduce/relieve moodiness/mood swings associated with menopause
  • Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild anxiety
  • Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of mild anxiety
  • Help maintain/support emotional wellbeing
  • Maintain/support general health and wellbeing
  • Helps enhance/promote general health and wellbeing
  • Antioxidant/reduce free radicals formed in the body.
  • Helps reduce/decrease free radical damage to body cells

To reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep, our best match:

Unichi Happy Gummies + Unichi Happy Chews

Ready to unlock a healthy emotional wellbeing! Explore the Saffronia collection and discover how these saffron supplements can revolutionize your mental health.

Crocus Sativus (Saffron) Extract 15mg, Equiv. to Crocus Sativus Stigma Dry 45 mg

No added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg.

Do stress tablets work?

Yes. Stress Tablets by Saffronia are made from Crocus Sativus (Saffron) Extract. Saffronia has been shown in clinical trials to support mental health and support emotional wellbeing.

Do stress tablets help anxiety?

Stress tablets by Saffronia help decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress to support healthy emotional/mood balance. It also Decrease/reduce/relieve mood changes associated with premenstrual tension

Can you take stress tablets everyday?

Take two stress tablets daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. 

Are pregnant women able to take stress tablets? 

Saffronia Tablets are not advisable for pregnant or likely to become pregnant.

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