Unichi 產品由具有自然療法、營養學和生物化學背景的經驗豐富的配方師團隊開發。我們確保我們創造的產品真正有效,並已證明對健康有益。




Unichi 從澳大利亞和世界各地採購優質原料。例如,我們的藏紅花來自西班牙中部拉曼恰地區最好的手工採摘農場。無論原料是什麼,無論地點在哪裡,我們都對獨特、優質的原料充滿熱情。


Unichi 致力於使用經過臨床試驗的成分。我們為與領先的澳大利亞研究人員的關係感到自豪,並致力於在世界範圍內增進對天然藥物的了解。


Agha-Hosseini、M. Kashani、L、Aleyaseen、A. Ghoreishi、A、Rahmanpour、H、Zaminara、A 和 Akhondzadeh。 S.(2008)。 Crocus sativus L(藏紅花)治療經前綜合症:一項雙聯、隨機和安慰劑對照試驗。

Halimi N, Kasim Z, Babji A (2014) 食用燕窩 (Aerodramus fuchiphagus) 的營養成分和溶解度。 AIP 會議論文集 1614、476。

Hakozaki, T.、Minwalla, L.、Zhuang, J.、Chhoa, M.、Matsubara, A.、Miyamoto, K.、Greatens, A.、Hillebrand, GG、Bissett, DL 和 Boissy, RE, 2002。煙酰胺對減少皮膚色素沉著和抑制黑素體轉移的作用。英國皮膚病學雜誌,147(1),pp.20-31。

Proksch E, Schunck M, Oesser S. (2020) 魚源性生物活性膠原蛋白肽對皮膚健康的積極作用。營養食品。 1:127-133。 DOI 10. 17470/NF-020-0018

Proksch E.、Schunck M.、Zague V.、Segger D.、Degwert J.、Oesser S. 皮膚藥理學生理學。 2014;27(3):113-9。 Stephan Bielfeldt S. Manjula Jegasothy。 2014. 一種新型外用納米透明質酸對人體的療效。 PubMed Central (PMC) 網址:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3970829/

Kell, G., et al., affron® 一種新型藏紅花提取物 (Crocus sativus L.) 在一項雙盲、平行、隨機、安慰劑對照的臨床試驗中改善健康成人的情緒超過 4 週。醫學補充療法,2017 年。33:p。 58-64。

Konczak, I., Zabaras, D., Dunstan, M., Aguas, P., Roulfe, R., Pavan, A., (2009) 澳大利亞本土食品的健康益處,RIRDC 酒吧。第 09/133 號。研究:McDonald, JK, Caffin, NA, Sommano, S., Cicksedge, R., (2006) the effect of post harvest handling on selected native food plants, RIRDC Pub. No 06/021.Konczak, I., Zabaras, D., Dunstan, M., Aguas, P., Roulfe, R., Pavan, A., (2009) 澳大利亞本土食品的健康益處,RIRDC 酒吧。第 09/133 號。

Korac, RR & Khambholja, KM 2011,“草藥在保護皮膚免受紫外線輻射方面的潛力”,生藥學評論,卷。 5,沒有。 10,第 164-173 頁。

卡爾皮涅茨,黨衛軍;縱梁,DN; Davis, E. 兩種富含褐藻糖膠的海洋巨藻提取物的局部益處。化妝品 2015, 2, 66-81。 )

賽德瑪。 2015 年,Majestem™ Leontopodium Alpinum,IRB Sederma,宣傳冊,法國。



Eco-friendly packaging is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. Reduce, reuse, recycle is our philosophy. Here at Unichi, we are eliminating single-use plastics, using glass over plastic where possible, and ensuring all packaging is recyclable, degradable and minimal.


Our ingredients grow in the pristine ocean waters of Tasman sea and Pacific Ocean, on the highlands of Spanish La Mancha region, from the tropical Rainforest of Queensland, organic or hand harvested on an environmentally sustainable basis. Our ingredients are responsibly sourced and Australian-manufactured, genetically certified and made through chemical free farming practices.


Good health is about balance; nutrition and exercise and making time for the things that really matter. These small things you choose to do often have a huge positive impact on your life, much greater than a grand gesture once a month or twice a year. At Unichi we aim to improve the nature of people’s health and wellbeing, not just for the now but for the future. We draw on the latest research from Australian and International resources when creating our products, to ensure we are improving the health and wellbeing of all Unichi customers.


Agha-Hosseini, M. Kashani, L, Aleyaseen, A. Ghoreishi, A, Rahmanpour, H, Zaminara, A and Akhondzadeh. S.(2008). Crocus sativus L (saffron)in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: a double-bund, randomised and placebo-controlled trial.

Halimi N, Kasim Z, Babji A (2014) Nutritional composition and solubility of edible bird nest (Aerodramus fuchiphagus). AIP Conference Proceedings 1614, 476.

Hakozaki, T., Minwalla, L., Zhuang, J., Chhoa, M., Matsubara, A., Miyamoto, K., Greatens, A., Hillebrand, G.G., Bissett, D.L. and Boissy, R.E., 2002. The effect of niacinamide on reducing cutaneous pigmentation and suppression of melanosome transfer. British Journal of Dermatology, 147(1), pp.20-31.

Proksch E, Schunck M, Oesser S. (2020) Positive effect of fish-derived Bioactive Collagen Peptides on skin health. Nutrafoods. 1:127-133. DOI 10. 17470/NF-020-0018

Proksch E., Schunck M., Zague V., Segger D., Degwert J., Oesser S. Skin Pharmacol Physiology. 2014;27(3):113-9. Stephan Bielfeldt S. Manjula Jegasothy. 2014. Efficacy of a New Topical Nano-hyaluronic Acid in Humans. PubMed Central (PMC) Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3970829/

Kell, G., et al., affron® a novel saffron extract (Crocus sativus L.) improves mood in healthy adults over 4 weeks in a double-blind, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2017. 33: p. 58-64.

Konczak, I., Zabaras, D., Dunstan, M., Aguas, P., Roulfe, R., Pavan, A., (2009) Health Benefits of Australian Native Foods, RIRDC Pub. No. 09/133. Research: McDonald, J. K., Caffin, N. A., Sommano, S., Cicksedge, R., (2006) the effect of post harvest handling on selected native food plants, RIRDC Pub. No 06/021.Konczak, I., Zabaras, D., Dunstan, M., Aguas, P., Roulfe, R., Pavan, A., (2009) Health Benefits of Australian Native Foods, RIRDC Pub. No. 09/133.

Korac, R.R. & Khambholja, K. M. 2011, ‘Potential of herbs in skin protection from ultraviolet radiation’, Pharmacognosy Review, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 164-173.

Karpiniec, S. S. ; Stringer, D. N. ; Davis, E. Topical Benefits of Two Fucoidan-Rich Extracts from Marine Macroalgae.Cosmetics 2015, 2, 66-81. )

Sederma. 2015, Majestem™ Leontopodium Alpinum, IRB Sederma, brochure, France.